Press & Media


ViT AWS Security Accelerator Certification

The Course will be a live instructor-led hands-on course which would help you prepare for the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner and the AWS Certified Security - Specialty. The total duration of the course is 80 hours split into 6 consecutive weeks i.e 5 days each week. Each lecture will be 4 hours long and will be held online at (Timing: TBD). Atten...


ViT Front End Web Dev Cohort Sponsored by Boeing!

Calling all veterans interested in learning web development. VetsinTech is excited to offer FULL SCHOLARSHIPS for Front End Web Development training exclusively for past and present military service members, veterans, and spouses of either – sponsored by Boeing ! 

Science Bookshelf in New York

In ut odio libero, at vulputate urna. Nulla tristique mi a massa convallis cursus. Nulla eu mi magna. Etiam suscipit commodo gravida. Cras suscipit, quam vitae adipiscing faucibus, risus nibh laoreet odio, a porttitor metus eros ut enim. Morbi augue velit, tempus mattis dignissim nec, porta sed risus. Donec eget magna eu lorem tristique pellentesque eget eu dui. Fusce lacinia tempor malesuada. Ut lacus sapien, placerat a ornare nec, elementum sit amet felis. Maecenas pretium lorem hendrerit eros sagittis fermentum.

Phasellus enim magna, varius et commodo ut, ultricies vitae velit. Ut nulla tellus, eleifend euismod pellentesque vel, sagittis vel justo. In libero urna, venenatis sit amet ornare non, suscipit nec risus. Sed consequat justo non mauris pretium at tempor justo sodales. Quisque tincidunt laoreet malesuada. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer vitae ante enim. Fusce sed elit est. Suspendisse sit amet mauris in quam pretium faucibus et aliquam odio.

The Invasion in Silicon Valley- Hosted by Google Launchpad

The Invasion in Silicon Valley
March 8-9, 2019
San Francisco, hosted @Google Launchpad
Please join us at our national conference, where over 300 Veterans from around the country will join for a weekend of keynotes, workshops, and networking around opportunities in technology education, employment, and entrepreneurship.
We are proud to announce speakers including:
  • Carol Eggert - SVP Veteran and Military Affairs @ Comcast
  • Steve Blank - Father of "Modern Entrepreneurship" and "Lean Startup"
  • Michael Brown - Director @ Defense Innovation Unit (Department of Defense)
See a full list of speakers and participating companies at
Join our community and the force driving the continuous efforts to building a tech ecosystem for veterans to tap into.

The Invasion in Silicon Valley- Hosted by Google Launchpad

The Invasion in Silicon Valley
March 8-9, 2019
San Francisco, hosted @Google Launchpad
Please join us at our national conference, where over 300 Veterans from around the country will join for a weekend of keynotes, workshops, and networking around opportunities in technology education, employment, and entrepreneurship.
We are proud to announce speakers including:
  • Carol Eggert - SVP Veteran and Military Affairs @ Comcast
  • Steve Blank - Father of "Modern Entrepreneurship" and "Lean Startup"
  • Michael Brown - Director @ Defense Innovation Unit (Department of Defense)
See a full list of speakers and participating companies at
Join our community and the force driving the continuous efforts to building a tech ecosystem for veterans to tap into.

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