Press & Media

VetsInTech in Colorado

VetsInTech in Colorado

 VetsInTech kicked off the Colorado Chapter in partnership with Galvanize and will be launching events and classes to cover all of the 3 E's: Entrepreneurship, Employment and Entrepreneurship.

  • Education: Full scholarship for web dev, cybersecurity and other technical certifications.
  • Employment: Score your dream job with our extensive list of Tech Giants and sponsors like Google, Linkedin, Facebook and others.
  • Entrepreneurship: Join the Silicon Valley ecosystem, attend Y Combinator startup school and meet face to face with CEOs/mentors for invaluable advice and guidance.

VetsInTech CEO ,Katherine Webster, spoke at JSA, Joint Service Academy Cybersecurity Summit in Colorado.

Please support VetsinTech on Crowdrise!

Please support VetsinTech on Crowdrise - The VetsinTech Silicon Valley Invasion to bringhundreds of transitioning veterans to the SF Bay Area to explore opportunities forEducation, Employment, and Entrepreneurship!

Support us here

July News

VetsinTech held another very successful event hosted by Ten-X on June 29th.  Over 60 veterans joined us along with employers Ten-X, LinkedIn, Accenture, Electronic Arts, Salesforce, Tesla and more!

Check out the pics here.

VetsinTech Fall 2016 Gala

Join us for the VetsinTech Gala in Honor of Veterans Day on Nov 4th, 2016 at the Marines Memorial hotel. Please visit the Gala page for details.

Gala page

Wells Fargo’s Support of Military Servicemembers and Veterans Passes $70 Million

Read the Article: Wells Fargo

Veterans Bootstrap the transition from battlefield to tech

Read the Article: CNET


As Part of the 5th Anniversary of Joining Forces, First Lady Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill Biden Announce New Private Sector Hiring and Training Commitments for Veterans and Military Spouses.

Read the Article: Obama White House Archive

Palo Alto Networks EDU 210, Firewall 8.1, Santa Clara CA

Palo Alto Networks EDU 210, Firewall 8.1, Santa Clara CA

17 veteran students completed Palo Alto Networks EDU 210 - Firewall 8.1 during the first week of December 2018.

February and March VetsinTech events

Please Join VetsinTech in collaboration with IAVA and the Marines Memorial Club in SF for the 5th annual Salute to Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans! Thursday, March 03, 2016.

Save the Date - VetsinTech will hold our next employer meetup at Twitter HQ in SF on March 29th - 5:30pm!

Join VetsinTech and Silicon Valley Bank at SXSW -  SXSW is the annual pilgrimage to Austin, Texas where cutting-edge technologies and digital creativity meet some of the brightest young minds in the world.  This coming March at SXSW Interactive, Silicon Valley Bank is hosting their annual three-day client lounge for people to relax, recharge, network, and take office hours and have graciously offered space during their "Next Stop Lounge" to VetsinTech!!  Veteran Entrepreneurs register here!!

Join @VetsinTech 2/19 for the #VABrainTrust Hackathon - innovations surrounding mTBI + PTS @VAInnovation

Brain Trust: Pathway to InnoVAtion Hackathon Serving Veterans!

Upcoming Employer and Cyber Security Events

VetsinTech 1st Employer event of 2016 @Twitter!!

Join VetsinTech as yet another very cool company, @Twitter open their doors to welcome the VetsinTech community and our employer coaltion on March 29th, 2016!! Several employers joining include Accenture, Apcera, Salesforce, Palo Alto Networks, Ten-X, Twitter, Intuit, Manpower Group Solutions, LinkedIn and more TBD!  Register here:

VetsinTech - Careers in Cybersecurity - April 7th @Wells Fargo in SF

Please join VetsinTech for the “Careers in Cybersecurity Forum”co-sponsored by Wells Fargo and VetsinTech. Senior Cyber-Security leaders will discuss the current challenges and potential solutions of in a variety of industries, and recruiters will be on hand to discuss opportunities and pathways for careers in Cybersecurity. Check out our amazing line up of speakers and register here: 

Here's what's happening at VetsinTech

Here's what's happening at VetsinTech

VetsinTech @ Twitter

VetsinTech celebrated its fourth birthday at Twitter! We had a fantastic panel that showcased some of the best ViT veteran talent in the tech industry. Army veteran Stephanie Vazquez also discussed her success story—She landed a job at Facebook after attending just a few VetsinTech workshops!

The Ridescout Team Visits ViT Entrepreneurs

In early April we were very pleased to welcome two ViT Senior Advisors, Ridescout’s Joseph Kopser and Craig Cummings, to an intimate gathering with some of our San Francisco-based veteran entrepreneurs: Lydia Davey, Theresa Piasta, Tony Nguyen Sonny Tosco, Aaron Saari, and Manny Parra.

Wells Fargo Hosts ViT "Careers in Cybersecurity" Event

On April 7th, Wells Fargo hosted a ViT Careers in Cybersecurity Event at the San Francisco Wells Fargo. Senior cybersecurity leaders discussed current challenges and potential solutions in a variety of industries. Several Wells Fargo Recruiters attended to answer questions about specific cybersecurity careers.

VetsinTech is pleased to announce this year's Gala!

Join VetsinTech for a very special event in honor of Veterans Day – a VetsinTech Gala – “Vets2.0 Beyond the Transition” – honoring amazing accomplishments of veteran led initiatives – Friday, November 4th. Details coming soon.

Sign up for our new ViT Entrepreneur Bootcamp!

ViT is working to launch an Entrepreneur Bootcamp that will kick off in May at our San Francisco Galvanize location, and we will introduce a speaker series to address every aspect of entrepreneurship. Watch for a signup link at our ViT Facebook page.

VetsinTech at the White House - and join us for Military Appreciation Month!

VetsinTech at the White House - and join us for Military Appreciation Month!

VetsinTech is thrilled to have been invited to the White House Joining Forces on May 5th! In celebration of the Joining Forces 5 year anniversary, 50+ companies committed to hire or train 110K veterans into tech careers over the next 5 years. The VetsinTech coalition members came out in force - Ten-X, Intuit, Salesforce, Microsoft, Palo Alto Networks, Cisco, HPE and Accenture were all in attendance to support our veterans and the Joining Forces initiative lead by the 1st Lady Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill Biden.

For full details and all the pledges read here: FACT SHEET: As Part of the 5th Anniversary of Joining Forces, First Lady Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill Biden Announce New Private Sector Hiring and Training Commitments for Veterans and Military Spouses

[caption id="attachment_1739" align="alignnone" width="300"]
Kathleen Carroll and Jeff Bezos of Amazon with Dr. Jill Biden

ViT Austin relaunches on August 29th @ Galvanize!

We hope you'll join us in Austin, TX for the relaunch of the Austin ViT chapter in our new digs at Galvanize! Free appetizers and beverages will be provided. There will be ample time for networking as well as a panel that will discuss opportunities in the three E's: education, entrepreneurship, and employment.

To register for the event, click here.

Check out What's Happening at VetsinTech across the country!

VetsinTech NYC:

9/15Free beer and pizza meetup at Galvanize in West Soho

VetsinTech SF:

9/22Employer meetup hosted by TEKsystems

VetsinTech San Diego:

9/27Re-launch of VetsinTech San Diego hosted by Intuit

Join VetsinTech for Dreamforce and Fleetweek


Visit the VetForce booth #2228 on Thursday, October 6th, from 10-2pm! It will be staffed by Salesforce employees, Work For Warriors, as well as VetsinTech Volunteers. Network with other veterans involved with the VetForce Community!


VetsinTech is going to be very active during Fleetweek and we will be hosting a few panel discussions and a Cybersecurity workshop at the Marines Memorial Club on Tuesday, October 4.

Register for free here!Download the overview and detailed agenda for the event.

Promote and share on social media!

Twitter users: Use @VetsinTech, #VetsinTech, @vetforce, #vetforce and #wearefleetweek for fleet week

Veterans Day!

VetsinTech kicked off the Veterans Day week honoring our veterans at the 2nd Annual VetsinTech Gala for Veterans Day "Vets2.0 Beyond the Transition". We would like to thank all of our sponsors and honorees listed here. Check out pics from the gala here.

VetsinTech will be out coast-to-coast supporting our veterans at the following events:

Hiring Heroes and Their Families on the USS Hornet in Alameda on 11/10/16 -
Join VetsinTech Austin on 11/11/16 with Patriot Boot Camp & BunkerLabs for a Veterans Day celebration and social Happy Hour #CTXVeteransDay16

VetsinTech will be supporting the Battle Tested Veterans event on 11/11/16 which focuses on challenging common stereotypes about veterans, celebrating veterans diversity, and empower veterans to reach their full potential in their post-service lives. You can RSVP here.

ViT will be supporting the SF Veterans Film Festival on Nov 12th and 13th:
VetsinTech (Katherine Webster) will be speaking on the 9:30a.m. panel discussion at Stanford University.

We will be at the Veterans Day Parade in SF and around the country and....VetsinTech has been invited to the White House on November 14th with First Lady Michelle Obama for a Joining Forces celebration! Stay tuned for pics later!

Happy Holidays! #GivingTuesday Please support VetsinTech!

Please support VetsinTech during this Holiday Season! See below #GivingTuesday

It’s been just over four years since we kicked off the VetsinTech (ViT) community and it has been an amazing time! We now have twelve chapters across the country, have introduced more than a dozen vet-owned businesses to venture capital, partnered to launch a veterans incubator, ran more than a half dozen veterans hackathons (including the first ever all women veteran hackathon), and introduced thousands of vets and loved ones to their next career &/or job. We have trained approx. 100 veterans on Salesforce administration and trained/certificated 20 veterans in cybersecurity with Palo Alto Networks. We’ve been to the White House several times to raise awareness of veterans issues, partnered with Salesforce, Accenture, Wells Fargo, LinkedIn, Intuit, Workday, Facebook, Ten-X, Palo Alto Networks, TEKsystems and many more to create change and launch careers for our greatest natural resource….our veterans!

VetsinTech recently secured funding from Samsung to train 50 veterans in Web Development at the Galvanize School. Additionally, Palo Alto Networks will be partnering with ViT to provide additional cybersecurity training, and we will be training more veterans on the Salesforce platform. We have a lot of work ahead and need your help to ensure veterans are ready to learn and get hired in high paying careers.

The Giving Tuesday social media campaign on the 1st Tuesday after Thanksgiving (November 29th) is a day dedicated to giving to the causes that mean something to you.

For the last four years, ViT has supported service members in their transition thru Education, Employment, and Entrepreneurship in the tech industry.

TechCentralSF Startup Veteran’s Weekend/Hackathon on ABC7

[youtube video=]

 We have successfully launched Vets in Tech on July 31st. Visit our site here: http://vetsintech.coCONGRATULATIONS to our winners of Startup Veterans Weekend/Hackathon – 1st Place: Collectio, 2nd Place: Rebound, and 3rd Place I-Vitality!! Actually everyone who competed as a winner in my book! We had over 40 veterans joining 40 non-vet techies for the competition and inspiring keynote by Steve Blank (Four Steps to the Epiphany and The Startup Owners Manual) along with remarks from Co-host Craig Newmark and President of the SF Board of Supervisors – David Chiu who delivered a proclamation declaring it “Startup Veterans Day” in San Francisco. Take a look at pics from the event here

In addition, a segment of the event aired on local Channel 7 – see the video here: again to all of our awesome sponsors and partners for helping to make this event possible.

December 2018 Tech Profile

December 2018 Tech Profile

Rafael Escoto Roa, US Air Force

VetsinTech Palo Alto Networks EDU 210, August 2018

I am Rafael Escoto Roa. I was born and raised in the Dominican Republic where I resided until moving to the United States at 19 years old.

I joined the US Air Force shortly after moving to this great country and have served as active duty since then with duty assignments in Florida, Delaware, Korea, Texas, Spain, Germany, and California. I have deployed overseas several times. I began my military career as a Logistics Technician after which I transferred to cybersecurity. Currently I am an Air Transportation Airman serving as an Air Trans/Cybersecurity Advisor with Latin America as my area of responsibility (AOR).

Technology has been a passion all my life. The military has helped me obtain great education on this field and I have experienced plenty of hours of on the job training.

I saw some incredible fellow Airmen leave the military without a plan for a follow on career. Some struggled with the process. Observing this, I wanted to get ahead of the curve. I completed the transition program offered by DoD and I actively pursued every available resource. This is how I landed on VetsinTech. I connected over LinkedIn and enrolled in the first class I could: Palo Alto Networks EDU 210, cybersecurity training in Santa Clara, CA.

Holiday Party & Employer Coalition Meetup @ LinkedIn San Francisco, CA

Holiday Party & Employer Coalition Meetup @ LinkedIn San Francisco, CA

Over 150 veterans and family members attended. Attendees included recruiters from LinkedIn, Facebook, Google, Adobe, Palo Alto Networks, Shape Security, Symantec, Cisco, PayPal, and more. Below, veterans and employers gather at LinkedIn HQ.

Holiday Season VetsinTech call to Action

  1. Donate through shopping! SHOP AT AMAZON and 0.5% of the value of your purchase will be donated to VETSINTECH. It adds up fast. Just start your shopping session by clicking here - AMAZON SMILE - and make sure to list VetsinTech as your charity of choice!
  2. Seeking employment? Boost your exposure by uploading your resume.
  3. Become a VetsinTech Mentor! Sign up to be a mentor at VetsinTech.
  4. Spread the word along with good cheer: Forward this e-newsletter to a fellow veteran!

Join VetsinTech for the launch of ViT New England Chapter on 12/2/14!

Vets in Tech (ViT), a national non-profit, is expanding into New England and will be hosting an event to launch the local chapter.  The launch event will be held at Akamai's Headquarters in Cambridge. Click here for more info and tickets!

Join VetsinTech on 2/26 at Galvanize SF!!

Join VetsinTech on 2/26 at Galvanize SF as we host some of the hottest veteran startups and entrepreneurs during the ViT Startup Mixer with 60-second spots (pitches)!!! VC pitch night! VetsinTech - Startup Mixer and Pitch Event for Veteran Entrepreneurs!!

VetsinTech "Opportunities in Tech" with pictures!

Thanks for all to came out for the VetsinTech "Opportunities in Tech" with top tech employers on Thursday 3/26!!  Here are pics from the event (courtesy of Brandon Fernandez)

Click here to see images from the event.


Friday, November 6th - a VetsinTech Gala - "Vets2.0 Beyond the Transition"

Join VetsinTech for a very special event in honor of Veterans Day - a VetsinTech Gala -"Vets2.0 Beyond the Transition" - honoring amazing accomplishments of veteran led initiatives - Friday, November 6th.

Get your tickets now!

Cybersecurity training for veterans in collaboration with Palo Alto Networks

Cybersecurity training for veterans in collaboration with Palo Alto Networks

VetsinTech is very pleased to launch our first Cybersecurity training for veterans in collaboration with Palo Alto Networks! A message from our partners at Palo Alto Networks:

Happy Veteran's Day to all the men and women who have served our country!

Happy Veteran's Day to all the men and women who have served our country!

We can never thank you enough for all your sacrifices and in your honor on this day, we would like to share a few things we have been up to over the last month to support our veterans......Starting with training of our veterans and kicking off Vetforce with at Dreamforce with the CA National Guard and 129th Rescue Wing!  Check
out the video from October 15th here
Then on October 29th we partnered with Walmart eCommerce on "Vets2Valley" an tech employer event -
On Nov 6th we were off to DC to launch VetsinTech VetCap event there!  Co-sponsored by SBA, SVB, and StreetShares - see our panel teaching veterans about various financing sources...from L to R - Chris Steed -  Paladin Capital Group, Craig Cummings - Angel Investor, Megan Scheffel - SVB, Mark Rockefeller - StreetShares, Bob Louthan - VeteranCrowd, Barb Carson - SBA and our MC for the evening Sr. Advisor to ViT - France Hoang
Also in DC on Nov 7th... VetsinTech was honored to be invited to the Vet "Shark Tank" viewing party at DogTag Bakery
And today - we are "in the news" on CNBC on Veterans Day


VetsinTech - Employer meetup and Holiday Party!!

Join VetsinTech and multiple employers including, Microsoft, Intuit, Manpower Group Solutions, Icon, Akamai, and more TBD on December 16th for our annual giving-back holiday event to prepare for your 2015 job search! LinkedIn will be present to assist veterans with your LI profiles, employers will review resumes and give feedback, and Fundamentum will lead an "elevator pitch" review!!Click here to get your tickets!

Happy New Year Veterans!

We look forward to supporting you in even bigger and better ways in 2015!

To kick off the year - we will hold our 1st EVER training on a military base - Moffett Field in the heart of Silicon Valley.  This should allow veterans traveling from north or south an easier commute, however we are taking candidates from across the country for our Salesforce Admin 201 class which is a 1 week
Instructor Lead Training course.   We are also taking names for those interested in the online training as well.  Please contact us if you are interested! Click here to download the event flyer!
We were pleased to have this excellent article published in OpportunityLives on January 5th.  Stay tuned for more exciting news and programs by VetsinTech soon!

See Vets in Tech Helps Veterans Break into America’s Fastest Growing Industry

Join us in Boston and NYC for drinks and discussion regarding #Vetforce and our joint programs for veterans!

@VetsinTech @Salesforce @Rocktech are hitting the road to discuss #Vetforce and programs for veterans!  Join us in Boston on 2/24
Join @VetsinTech @Salesforce to learn about #Vetforce and our joint programs for veterans -

VetsinTech and SVB at SXSW!!!

If you are a veteran entrepreneur - Join VetsinTech + SVB at SXSW on March 14th or 16th!!
And Join VetsinTech for our next big employer event at on March 26, 2015!!
Click here for tickets to "Opportunities in Tech" with Top Tech Employers!

Join VetsinTech and Sales Hacker on April 18-20th in San Francisco!

VetsinTech is partnering with Sales Hacker on "Sales Hacker Veterans Bootcamp" training.  The Sales Hacker Veterans Bootcamp is a 100% FREE  3-day intensive Sales Development Training designed to teach Veterans the necessary skills to find entry level B2B Sales positions at emerging Technology Startups. This program was put together by some of the top Sales Development Managers in B2B Sales and will leave vets with relevant training and job placement in industry leading tech companies. Sign up for the first class in San Francisco on April 18th, 19th and 20th at

VetsinTech honors our veterans during Military Appreciation Month!

In honor of Military Appreciation Month, Please join VetsinTech as we host a number of events around the U.S  to pay tribute to our veterans.  Stay tuned here for more info on the following workshops and events around Entrepreneurship and Education:
May 19th - VetsinTech @NYU
May 26th - VetCap events to take place in both SF and Austin, TX
May 28th - VetsinTech @ Salesforce World Tour in DC

May is Military Appreciation Month!!! News from VetsInTech

May is Military Appreciation Month, and for VetsinTech it’s the perfect time to announce some great new partnerships, new chapters, and tremendous opportunities for veteran engagement nationwide.


Approximately 12% of all unfilled jobs in the United States are information technology jobs, and VetsinTech, with its eight national chapters and thousands of veteran members, stands poised to meet employment needs with a network of well-trained, fully-certified transitioning military veterans.

Alongside industry partners like Salesforce, Microsoft, Akamai,, ManpowerGroup, and more, VetsinTech is working to create a healthy ecosystem to empower veterans nationwide to tap into tech-related education opportunities, along with related internship and employment placements.

To that end, we’re pleased to announce the following new training partnerships as part of the ViT Internship/Apprenticeship Program: (details to be announced soon)

Join VetsinTech @ LinkedIn SF on July 21st

Join VetsinTech @ LinkedIn SF on July 21st - Click Here
And join the launch of VetsinTech in Chicago!!  Click Here

Also, we’re pleased to announce the following new training partnerships as part of the ViT Internship/Apprenticeship Program: (details to be announced soon)

Palo Alto Networks – Cybersecurity Training – Palo Alto Networks is committed to working with VetsinTech to provide cybersecurity training using their Essentials 1, Essentials 2, PCNSE6, and CNSE 5.1 learning modules which are well recognized in the industry

NetApp – will offer at no charge NetApp Certified Storage Associate (NCSA) training materials and certification, assist ViT to develop the training program and will promote certified veterans to NetApp’s ecosystem of customers and partners to help identify apprenticeship opportunities

Salesforce –  VetsinTech is an Academic Alliance Partner of offering training and referring veterans into VetForce to enroll in Salesforce ADMIN 201 training classes.  is committed to helping VetsinTech get veterans trained and into internship programs over the next 5 years: RockTech is providing free training licenses of its technology to help veterans prepare for the course and certification exam.

Microsoft – Microsoft has joined the VetsinTech employer coalition and ViT is referring veterans into the Microsoft MSSA training program

What's Happening at VetsinTech in August

VetsinTech is excited to be holding our 3rd class of approximately 20 veterans to be trained as Salesforce Admins. Our next class will be held August 12-14th at headquarters in San Francisco. Thanks to BlueWolf for providing our instructor and to and Vetforce for hosting us! For veterans interested in Salesforce Admin training through VetsinTech, please contact us and put "Salesforce Admin training" in the title. We will be in contact to fit you in to one of our future classes!

VetsinTech New England will be hosting the ViT Startup Mixer and Pitch Event for Veteran Entrepreneurs at the MIT Sloan school on August 26th!  For veterans interested in joining or pitching your startup - JOIN US!! Click here to registerUpcoming:VetsinTech will be at DreamForce Sept 15-18th!!  Full schedule will be out soon, but be sure to join us on Day 1 for "Veteran's Day" at DreamForce. (Click here for a free Expo+ pass)

Workday Foundation will be hosting VetsinTech for a very special employment related event forour veterans on Oct 6th in their new NYC offices in the Empire State Building.  More to be announced soon!

Happy Veteran's Day (and Month) from VetsinTech!!

Thank you to all our men and women and their families who have served our country - we salute you and are honored to give back for all you have given for our freedom.

We were able to honor so many veteran led initiatives and our partners that do so much to support VetsinTech and our Veterans at our 1st annual Veteran's Day Gala - Vets2.0 "Beyond the Transition" on Nov 6th, 2015 at the beautiful Marines Memorial Club in SF!  See our pics here.

And now onto our final event of the year!!  Please join VetsinTech and our employer partners for our ViT Employer event + Holiday Party at LinkedIn offices in SF!! Register here.

Finally - congrats to all the winners and every veteran who participated in our 3rd annual hackathon at Facebook on Oct 19th!!  Check out our pics here.

Happy New Year! Training Opportunities With VetsinTech!

Happy 2016!  We have great things happening in 2016 and are starting off with a bang!

To kick things off with we have two classes starting in January and February - Salesforce Administrator Training and Cybersecurity Training with Palo Alto Networks.

The Salesforce Administrator Training will occur from January 27th-29th at Salesforce HQ -  50 Fremont St. in SF and the Cybersecurity Training will be held on Feb.8th-12th at Palo Alto Networks in Santa Clara, CA If you are still interested in either one of the trainings we need to know ASAP. Please hit "reply" and put in the subject line your preference - (either SALESFORCE ADMIN training 1/27-1/29 or Cybersecurity at Palo Alto Networks - Feb 8th-12th).

The Salesforce course requires basic knowledge of admin tools, while the Cybersecurity course requires an understanding of network security, such as basic terminology and components(IPS, End-Points, and URL-filtering).

Both of these trainings will require MANDATORY attendance throughout the entire session from 8-5pm each day. If you are unable to make any of the dates for Salesforce ADMIN or Cybersecurity, but you wish to take class at a future date (probably in the next 3-6months) please request that we keep you on the "interest" list.

The Launch of VetsinTech!

Our mission is to support our recent and returning veterans – with re-integration and by connecting vets to the tech ecosystem.

ViT will act as an independent, agnostic organization bringing the tech community together in support of our veterans.  We are committed to giving back by bringing together a (tech only) network, resources, and programs for our veterans interested in tech...Education, Entrepreneurship, and Employment.

"There is, I am convinced, a sea of goodwill out in the country of people and places yearning to help. We need to tap into it. We need to make that connection. We need to come up with new ways and new ideas to make life better for those affected by this war...""Sea of Goodwill" - Admiral Mike Mullen

Vets in Tech Veterans Day Weekend Hackathon!

As many of you know VetsinTech was launched out of TechCentralSF and we are pleased to announce another version of the very popular hackathon bringing our tech community together to support our veterans during Veterans Day weekend hackathon!! Please join TechCentralSF along with many industry leaders and VIP's at this exciting event! click hereFor more info, schedule, speakers, sponsors and more: click here

Thanks to all who participated in our Veteran's Day Weekend Hackathon!

Thanks to everyone who participated in our Veteran's Day weekend hackathon Nov 9-11th! Congratulations to our winning teams....1st Place = and 2nd place - NeoSpace with 3rd place going to the Pocket Drill Sergeant!! We would also like to thank Mayor Ed Lee for visiting with us on Veteran's Day - see all the great press here

Announcing Vets in Tech Hackathon @ Facebook - Military Appreciation Month!

Announcing Vets in Tech Hackathon @ Facebook - Military Appreciation Month!

Announcing Vets in Tech Hackathon @ Facebook - Military Appreciation Month.  Vets in Tech is pleased to be partnering with Facebook for our best event ever coming on May 29th 2013 to celebrate Military Appreciation Month!! Learn more: Click hereWhat: Vets in Tech Hackathon @ Facebook - Military Appreciation Month!When: Wednesday, May 29th 2013  - 9am to 8pmWhere: Facebook Campus Bldg 15, 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CARegistration Link: click here

Vets in Tech Hackathon @Facebook - Military Appreciation Month and Memorial Day

And the winners are...1st place: Campus Drive, 2nd place: Kudo's Loop, 3rd place: Threads!! Congratulations to our winners and thanks to all the teams who participated. See our press: click here

Vets in Tech on!

Do you want to learn the secrets of being hired as a military vet into a tech company? Check out this incredible article covering Vets in Tech, with valuable advice about getting hired on!


The National Launch of VetsInTech!!!

Join us in SF for the National Launch of VetsinTech!! In honor of Veteran's Day 2013 in addition to SF we will be introducing new ViT chapters and their leaders in DC, NYC, Austin, TX, Los Angeles, Portland/Seattle and San Diego!!  Each one of these veteran leaders has already held their first meetup and are helping build the ViT community locally to support our current and returning veterans.

Please join us with other VIP guests to support our veterans and welcome our new ViT leaders!  Several sponsors will be in attendance including Intuit, Visa, Twilio, McAfee, Workday and more!!

Register here:

Building Your Brand: ViT Profile Review!!

Vets in Tech (ViT) and LinkedIn are combining resources to advance education and employment opportunities for current and returning veterans.
IF YOU ARE IN SF.......Join us for our national event exclusively for ViT members on Friday, December 13th!! – Building your Brand: ViT Profile Review. LinkedIn will review your LinkedIn online profile to help you enhance your professional brand.  We will have other tech recruiters (Intuit, Visa, Twilio, Workday, Comcast, and more TBD) on hand to look over resumes and help with career advice - so please bring resumes if you would like to have yours reviewed.  Be sure to complete all fields when registering as LinkedIn employees will review your profiles in advance and then will work with you in person to enhance your profile where needed.
After the LinkedIn/Employer event we will head out for the VetsinTech Holiday party!!  The VetsinTech holiday party will start 4pm at a nearby location - 88 King St (corner of 2nd and King)  YOU MUST REGISTER HERE:
If you are NOT in worries - veterans can still register for an online review of your LinkedIn profile here:

Vets in Tech would like to thank Morrison and Foerster for a great Entrepreneur Event

VetsinTech had an awesome year in 2013 with approximately 25 events across the country as we launched in Portland OR, Los Angeles and San Diego CA, Austin TX, Washington DC, and New York City, NY!   Our first event of 2014 was a great entrepreneur and education program at Morrison Foerster!! The Vets in Tech Entrepreneur’s Business Basics Legal Workshop presented basic corporate legal issues vital to entrepreneurs thinking about or actually forming their own technology start-up companies (offered in SF, LA, DC, and NYC TBD).  If you missed this one, keep an eye out for future events with Morrison and Foerster!

Attention Military Veterans in the SF Bay Area!

Join us!  VetsinTech Social and Networking with Employers!!Join VetsinTech for a casual happy hour and networking event with employers!!  For those of you who joined us last March at Pedro's this will be a similar experience - just networking and informal meeting with various employers (they will be color coded so you know who they are :) Employers expected to be in attendance include Intuit, Manpower Solutions Group, GE Software, Thermo-Fisher, Workday, and more TBD!!  Refreshments/Appetizers will be served!

Register Here!! 

What's Happening with VetsinTech!!

Greetings Veterans and supporters!  Lots happening at VetsinTech - much good work in support of our veterans.  VetsinTech was invited to the White House at the end of February where we attended the Veterans Entrepreneurship Workshop.  Click to see pics. Several great ideas in support of our veteran entrepreneurs surfaced and are pushing forward - so watch for more news here, as VetsinTech will be launching a very exciting new program in SF on May 14th at Next World Capital with support from the White House!

On March 20th and 21st VetsinTech hosted the VA at Intuit for a Lean Start-in Design for Delight session and there are great things to come from that as well.  Click to see pics. And another one. We held ViT Employer event at the end of that session, welcoming new employers into our coalition including Akamai, GE Software, and Manpower Group Solutions.  Together with our group of employers we hosted over 60 veterans who were able to discuss employment opportunities and also help ViT celebrate 2 years since our very first event - The Startup Veterans Hackathon on March 24th and 25th in 2012!

Finally to close out March - GE Garage and VetsinTech DC hosted an amazing event highlighting Advanced Manufacturing and 3D Printing opportunities for veterans careers on March 31st.  Click to see pics.  We are now on to planning some pretty special events for April, May, and June - stay tuned!!

Military Appreciation Month! Join Vets in Tech for the launch of VetCap!!

On May 14, 2014 VetsinTech is kicking off a new, national program called VetCap (capital for veterans) to help veteran entrepreneurs, with the support of the White House and in collaboration with a national network of partner organizations.  VetCap is starting with workshops nationwide to teach veteran entrepreneurs where and how to raise capital, and connect them to financing sources.  Click here

VetCap Catches Fire in NYC, Powers Veteran Entrepreneurs

VetCap Catches Fire in NYC, Powers Veteran Entrepreneurs

[caption id="attachment_807" align="alignnone" width="614"] Military veterans gathered in NYC for Vetcap, a new national series of financial workshops sponsored by VetsinTech.

For military veterans looking to break into the tech industry, a friendly audience goes a long way.  So say participants in Vetcap, a new national series of workshops launched by VetsinTech (ViT) that gives veteran entrepreneurs a chance to network and “pitch” their startup idea to a panel of industry pros as part of a financial workshop.  Sponsored by the New York City chapter of ViT, the latest Vetcap was held at Union Square Ventures on June 18, 2014. Nine vets pitched in all.

“Relative to all things out there for veterans, it’s probably the best thing I’ve done,” says Jonathan Frangakis, a former Major in the Marine Corps. “I got really solid feedback and tons of information I never would have known about.”   Click here to read more..
Post By Brian Jarvis

Great Launch for VetCap to help Veteran Entrepreneurs!!

Great Launch for VetCap to help Veteran Entrepreneurs!!

In honor of Military Appreciation Month and National Small Business Week, VetsinTech kicked off an innovative national program to help veteran entrepreneurs called VetCap (capital for veterans) on May 14th, 2014.  The event was a huge success as over 70 vets attended - with 10 vets pitching to fund their own startup!
Thanks to Joining Forces and the White House for the inspiration and recognizing VetsinTech - !!

The VetsinTech launch of VetCap in honor of Military Appreciation Month

...How many veterans in the room??

The 1st EVER Women-VetsinTech hackathon @ Facebook

Join Vets in Tech for one of our best events ever!! The 1st EVER Women-VetsinTech hackathon @ Facebook will be a shortened version of our popular weekend event but will be action packed with goal of getting to a MVP (minimum viable product) or demo/pitch by the end of the day. In partnership with the SBA and V-WISE, VetsinTech has an exciting day planned exclusively for women veterans.

Facebook will be bringing in some of their best advisors and fellow veterans to support the teams as well as leading a “LeanIn” session during the day. More information will be announced leading up to the event (keynotes, judges, prizes, etc) so be sure to keep checking back here:

Women Veterans Invade Silicon Valley!! - The 1st EVER all Women VetsinTech Hackathon @ Facebook - a smashing success!

Women Veterans Invade Silicon Valley!! - The 1st EVER all Women VetsinTech Hackathon @ Facebook - a smashing success!

VetsinTech would like to thank all the amazing women veteran entrepreneurs that participated in the 1st EVER all Women-VetsinTech
hackathon at Facebook on Monday 8/25!!
Congratulations to the winners:
1st place -  Bohdi,
2nd place Vets Helping Vets TV,
3rd Place: Clear PR and My Estate Vault
Read more from Techcrunch (click here) and SF Chronicle (click here)

VetsinTech - Opportunities in Tech - Meet Hiring Managers from Top Tech Companies!!

Join VetsinTech together with members of our employer coalition including Intuit/DemandForce, ManpowerGroup, GE Software, Walmart e-Commerce, Akamai, Icon, and Medallia on Sept 23rd for Opportunities in Tech!!While developer jobs are the highest in demand in the tech industry, did you know that there are several other career opportunities in tech companies including Sales, Marketing, HR, Operations, Product and Project Management, etc.  Come meet with our employer recruiters and hiring managers to learn more about the variety of jobs open in their companies across all departments.  Appetizers and refreshments will be provided!

Click here to get tickets now!

Join VetsinTech at Dreamforce Oct 13-16th!

VetsinTech will be at Dreamforce by Oct 13th-16th!!   VetsinTech is very pleased to be working closely with on all 3E's in our mission - Education, Employment, and Entrepreneurship!!  ViT has signed an Academic Alliance Partnership agreement to train veterans as Salesforce Admins and we completed our first class of 20 veterans on October 3rd!  We will be kicking off Dreamforce activity with our veterans who will show up to take the exam and get certified as SFDC Admins on Sunday Oct 12th.

VetsinTech will be present in a few events which will be held mostly on "Veterans Day" at Dreamforce on Wed Oct 15th.  Please register for the FREE expo pass which will get you into these events:
See complete list of veterans sessions at Dreamforce and be sure to join us at Happy Hour on Thursday!
Click here to see our VetForce overview

Join VetsinTech DC for the launch of VetCap!!

In honor of Veterans Day and Veterans National Small Business Week, VetsinTech is kicking off an innovative national program to help veteran entrepreneurs called VetCap (capital for veterans).  VetsinTech DC will host the VetCap event at Microsoft in Chevy Chase, MD on November 6th 2014!VetCap is a new initiative for a national series of workshops to help train veteran entrepreneurs on where and how to raise capital, and to connect them to a network of financing sources. The workshop portion will include a panel of 6 different financing sources including a VC, Angel, Corporate Ventures, Bank/Lender, Crowdfunder, and the SBA.  Please register here to attend: 

VetsinTech + VetForce @ Dreamforce 2014

VetsinTech + VetForce @ Dreamforce 2014

VetsinTech was very excited to be a big part of's launch of VetForce at this year's Dreamforce conference.  ViT trained 20 veterans to become certified Salesforce Administrators during the week of Sept 29th, 2014 and our cohort plus many more from the VetsinTech network attended VetForce sessions on "Veterans Day at Dreamforce" on Wednesday Oct 15th!   Read more about's effort to get 10,000 veterans hired and VetsinTech role in the efforts here:
One of the highlights of the entire week was being able to fly with 50 execs from the Dreamforce conference in 2 Chinook helicopters down to Moffett airfield in Mt. View CA!! We were all able  to meet the 129th Rescue Wing of California Air and Army National Guard to learn more about their Work for Warriors program.  HueyVets flew even more of the ViT veterans at Moffett so they were able to meet tech execs and potential employers.  See our pics here.

 See more pictures here..

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